Charlene Sharpe - May 6, 2014
BERLIN – Students at Buckingham Elementary School got a lesson in music from some of the region’s finest performers last week with a visit from two Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra musicians.
As part of the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra’s “Instrument Introduction” program, musicians Stuart Smith and Lukasz Szyrner visited fourth grade students at Buckingham Elementary School May 1.
Fourth-grader Avery Braciszewski plays the trumpet with the guidance of MSO musician Stuart Smith (standing). [photo by Charlene Sharpe]
“Many people never get to see musicians in such a personal way,” said music teacher Julia Young. “Getting to talk with Mr. Smith and Mr. Szyrner was invaluable to our students. They got to see and hear the result of what happens when you spend your lifetime practicing.”
Smith, who plays the trumpet, started by telling students how he had learned to play the instrument as an elementary school student himself. After realizing how much he liked it, he continued playing it through college.
“The more I practiced the better I got,” he said.
Smith described the differences between a band and an orchestra to his young audience and told them how he liked being able to make a living doing what he enjoyed.
“My job is to play this,” he said, holding up his silver trumpet, “which is pretty cool.”
Smith demonstrated how to play the trumpet and gave each student the chance to try it.
Szyrner did the same with his cello, pointing out the fingerboard, bridge and other parts of the instrument.
The fourth-graders were thrilled to see how easily they could use the bow to create a sound.
“The kids are so excited,” said JoFran Falcon, the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra’s vice president of education and outreach.
The MSO “Instrument Introduction” program was created to fulfill the orchestra’s mission of supporting the music programs in public schools, according to Falcon.
The idea is to inspire the students to participate in their school’s music programs. This year’s educational programs were sponsored by MSO supporter Michael Jahnigen.