Worchester County - April 2019 - Making Music At Showell Elementary


On Tuesday, April 2, professional musicians from the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra (MSO) visited Showell Elementary School for the second time this year….this time to introduce their instruments to all students in Grade 2 and Grade 3.  Music teacher, Mrs. Bethany Pugner had invited the MSO musicians in order to expose the children in her classes to the wonders and versatility of instruments like the flute and the trumpet.

Professional musicians, Sara Nichols (flute) and Luis Engelke (trumpet) spoke to the Showell youngsters about their instruments, their history, their parts, their versatility. The children tapped their legs in unison to create a tempo for Ms. Nichol’s jazz piece.  They were amazed to see Mr. Engelke play a tune using a length of tube attached to a funnel. 


But the best part of the class took place when each of the students received a trumpet and a flute headpiece in their hands and blew…working to create a recognizable sound from both instruments.  Ms. Nichols and Mr. Engelke praised their efforts and their patience, saying that even for excellent musicians, the starting—-getting those first notes—is sometimes difficult and takes practice.  

Mrs. Pugner orchestrated a wonderful new experience for her students.  She and the musicians hope that this day will spark a new interest in music among these youngsters, and enrich their lives for a long time to come!

The Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra conducts the “Introduce an Instrument” program, one of several education and outreach programs, as a vital part of its mission to support music programs in the schools.  The program at Snow Hill Elementary was generously funded by Mr. Michael Jahnigen of Frankford, DE and by the Worcester County Arts Council.

Guy McIntosh